Sunday, January 22, 2012


So God speaks to me often through the relationship I have with my son. Looking at him, I get to thinking how he thinks I can do anything. It never enters his mind when he asks me for something that I can’t do it. There is no doubt in his mind and he is very persistent. He has no idea how I have to pay bills so we can have lights, watch TV, play on the computer, etc. He doesn’t know where the money comes from that buys his toys, his clothes, his shoes or anything else. He doesn’t ask me how I’m going to get it nor does he care; he trust that I’m going to make it happen if I say yes. All he knows is he has what he needs and if it’s my will he gets what he wants. He has a carefree life. He doesn’t worry about anything, lol. He knows it’s not his job to take care of himself. So I get to thinking how awesome that will be when I receive God in that manner. God is taking care of me; not caring how He is going to make it happen; believing that when I ask I’m going to receive according to His will. It will be awesome to see God the way my son sees me. Then I will be able to have a carefree life too. (Mat.6:31-33)

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