Sunday, August 22, 2010

You know, its so easy to point a finger. Its so much easier to be in a situation and want to tell God about the other person or people. We want to point out what the other person did or didn’t do.Why can’t we say “God show me me in this situation.” I believe God will be so pleased with that. Its easy to look at someone else than it is to look at yourself. Its like when you forgive, your forgiveness is not based on wether the other person recieves it or not. It’s about you letting go. If the other person doesn’t receive than you can only pray and trust God for that other person. I believe when both parties are Christians and each goes to God about themselves in the situation instead of the other person, then God will deal with the other person. I know its hard sometimes when someone hurts you but pointing fingers doesn’t heal anything. It just allows for the enemy to come in with all sorts of thoughts. I’m pretty sure there a lot of married folks you can talk to and their spouse did something wrong and when they go to God, God deals with them about them not the spouse. In turn God deals with the spouse and works it out. We need God to show us us. We should never think we are never wrong or above anybody. The enemy is real decietful. So wether its an argument with a spouse, friend, parent or sibling, don’t go run to God about how wrong they are, ask God to show you you in the situation and what you are to do. No one is born sinless and God could point out a lot of wrongs that we have done, but then that wouldn’t be love. So reguardless of how someone treats you love with the love of the Lord.

My thoughts

I have decided to do a blog posting my thoughts. I have a lot that goes through my mind. I'm just getting into writing, so I figure this will be a good way to see how folks view my writing. I am currently a single mother of a 6 year-old boy, who keeps me laughing. After serving 6 years in the military, I am now a full time student pursuing a degree in Studio Production, with a goal of having my own talk show. My ultimate goal is to love with the love of the Lord twards all! After all, I am nothing without Him! Peace.